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The Federation of St Edmund's and St Joseph's Catholic Primary Schools

The Federation of
St Edmund's & St Joseph'sCatholic Primary Schools

Week 13 - 22/06/20

Welcome to week 13!!!!!

Oh my goodness, it was so lovely to see you again on Tuesday!  We're doing it again this Tuesday 23/06/20 at 10am, please follow the link on the email that we've sent out.  We are so looking forward to catching up with you again - we can't wait to see you Roman Forts!

Again, we are so proud of all the work that you are sending in to the home learning email address  Don't forget to tell us what you've been up to.  We really love hearing from you!  Thank you to those of you that have sent Mrs Jackson an email - she hopes you've received her reply!

Make sure you have a look below at the learning intentions and other activities. Here are the links to help you find them...

There's a new battle of the bands on TTRS, we will set more work to do on Mathletics and we're checking to see how you're doing on accelerated reader too.

Keep that super motivation going!  You're doing brilliantly and we are so proud of your achievements!

You are all in our prayers as always!

Take care, 

best wishes, 

Mrs Jackson, Miss Hamilton, Mrs Harris and Mrs LeMoel.