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The Federation of St Edmund's and St Joseph's Catholic Primary Schools

The Federation of
St Edmund's & St Joseph'sCatholic Primary Schools

Week 5 - 20/04/20

Hello, here we are at week 5!

This is the first week of the Summer Term and we're missing you all more than you know. 

We are so proud of the hard work that we have seen being emailed in - thank you! 

It is such a joy to see how motivated you are to keep on top of your learning.  We really are so proud of you.  Keep up the hard work and please keep emailing it in to  we love seeing what you've been up to!

We've attached the learning intentions and some work to do...

PLEASE NOTE THAT - this site has daily activities for you to do that we would have been learning together in class. White Rose have now collaborated with BBC Bitesize and as of Monday 20/04/20 they’ll be delivering Maths lessons (and other subjects) to support the learning your child would have been doing in class. We’d like to recommend that these White Rose lessons are completed to keep your child’s maths learning exactly where it should be.

Keep up the fantastic home learning, we look forward to seeing what you've been up to this week.

Keeping you all in our prayers and hope you're all well.

Best wishes

Miss Hamilton,  Mrs Jackson, Mrs Harris and Mrs LeMoel